Kingsbury Operations Eastman to North Ave

Just south of Blackhawk, a 3 block long spur split off from the main tracks on Kingsbury and headed almost due east. This building, receiving rail service at one time, is unlisted on Milwaukee Road engineering diagrams from 1955.
The building on the right is labeled as the Seng Co. A separate spur branched off here to run between Judson and Dayton.
This building, which has a illegible name on the diagrams (something like Patiec* Inc.) once had 3 sidings. Newer construction has taken the place of older tracks.
Moving northward to North Kingsbury brings us to the Peter Hand Brewery. The curved buildings are a dead giveaway that a spur once traveled between the buildings.
Looking southward toward the Goose Island Swingbridge. The building on the left, N. Central Terminal Co., was once served by rail, and the area to the right was once a rail served two spur Hedstrom Coal Company.