• All news (46 articles)
  • General (13 articles)

New Mystery Photo Contest!

Can you guess when and where our mystery photo was taken? The first person to guess correctly gets their name posted on our front page!

New Compare Photo Tool

Below each thumbnail is a small magnifing lens image that opens a new window

Presence on the MRHA site!

We've recently been added to the links page on the Milwaukee Road Historical Association site. Check it out!

New Design and Updates

As promised, we've updated the website in response to user feedback. You'll find a forum, a printable format of each article, an updated look and feel, and a new section devoted to the long lost Deering Line. We also added a contributors list and a site history for those of you who are interested. If you see any broken images or content problems, please let us know.

Photos from the first Annual Chicago Switching Society Walk