Author Topic: Something new for those with street switches  (Read 8725 times)


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Something new for those with street switches
« on: January 14, 2016, 03:26:27 PM »
Being that my railroad is covered in street running, I decided to have the Racor in street (submarine) switch stand cover plates made.  These are the typical large plate, and the smaller one that only actually covered the mechanism and not the levers.  They are laser cut, as they will be much easier to work with then etched metal.   They are HO, and made using field measurements.  I opted not to do the cover plates that go from these to the switch itself covering the rod, as that is simple to do with styrene, and no two ever seem to be the same length. 

These were made by Precision Design.  These are not a catalog item, so if anyone is interested they need to email PDC.