Thanks! This was very interesting. I especially liked the first paragraph on page 7: save yourself some work and toss it out! And I had been wondering about Serious Materials. And it is interesting that CTR isn\'t just storing the gondolas but has been leasing them; that makes CTR\'s financial picture somewhat darker.
But I wasn\'t really all that impressed with their specific arguments regarding the Lakewood and Kingsbury branches. It sounded about as speculative as they accused Chicago\'s petition of being. That they own some of the land at the end of the Kingsbury branch is one thing, but getting shippers to use either the Lakewood or Kingsbury branches in the face of the absolutely insane traffic on Kingsbury or the parking lot blockade on Lakewood.... It could happen, but it sounds pretty speculative to me. It sounds more like: how much are you willing to pay for us to go away?
I wish both CTR and Chicago would use something nicer for a system map, though.
be well,
bob roman