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General Discussion / Switching at Peerless
« on: November 13, 2006, 03:52:12 PM »
Caught the train delivering to Peerless up the Lakewood branch on Thursday, 11/9/06. Surprised alot of cars on Fullerton when it let off the horn before crossing.


General Discussion / Switching on Goose Island at Big Bay today
« on: September 28, 2006, 05:42:17 PM »
Wish I had my camera with me today! I just took a drive at lunch to look at the Goose Island area when I heard the familiar horn of the MP 15 approaching down Cherry street to pick up an empty bulkhead at Big Bay. Quite a sight as it rounded the block. There was a 18 wheeler coming the other way and the MP 15 stopped and backed up so the truck could get around to where it was going. It was Milwaukee Road colors with Soo on the side, I believe number 1541 or 1561. They gave the horn and crossed Division St for the pickup. I shot down to the runaround toward the bridge and noticed 3 empty gondolas that it must have picked up from General Iron? They gave the horn and came back up Cherry St. and used the runaround track to hook up the gondolas behind the bulkhead flat car, then off they were back over the bridge across North Ave back toward Finkl. I watched this for almost an hour. Amazing the amount of time it takes to do a few switching moves. Anyone know if they are still servicing Peerless up the Lakewood branch? It was quite a treat, I took a guess that they might be out on Thursday and ran into them.
One thing I noticed the crew were taking some digital pictures of the pickup at Big Bay, I hope this doesn\'t mean it was a last pickup or anything. I would like some of this line to remain active beyond the Finkl steel area. We need to get more companies in the area that need rail service. Rail service as of today is still alive and well.

Do you know if they just provide service on Thursdays or are there any other week days where I might plan to run into them?


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